ScanSoft PDF Create! questions & answers

ScanSoft PDF Create: create and modify PDF documents from other source formats
Question by Jose E. Torres
April 8, 2024
Swati Dubey
Answer by Swati Dubey

Yes, ScanSoft PDF Create! 3 is compatible with Windows10.

Question by Guest
February 28, 2018
Answer by Sean Hill

The ScanSoft PDF Create 4 is not available anymore. The ScanSoft developers have been acquired by Nuance which redeveloped all their applications and retiring the old ones.

If you want to continue using their PDF solutions, access the Products page and you'll see all the available options. The standard version of the Power PDF Converter solution costs around $100.

Question by Fides Manalo
March 23, 2016

How come, every time I want to print, ScanSoftPDF Create comes out as a printer. I always accidentally press print, where does the printed document go? It does not come out in my printer. It worries me, it might go to third party.

Answer by Sean Hill

The window that appears when using this software is called virtual printing, which means you create a PDF file that can be saved on the computer. Afterwards, open the PDF file and go to File > Print. You will have the possibility to physically print it. This application is used to create PDF files, and sometimes this process is called the virtual printing of a PDF file, meaning that you take various content like documents, pictures, charts, etc, then "print them" to PDF.

I have tested the application, and there is nothing wrong with it. This is just the way it works.

Question by Guest
July 28, 2014

Is there a way to password protect the .pdf docs?

Answer by Mary Nett

With this application all you can do is to create PDF files. Therefore, if you want an application that can help you protect your PDF files, I suggest you search on the Software Informer application's database. If you use this feature, you can find many applications (freeware and shareware).

Question by CharlesLeggette
May 9, 2012

I developed a program which currently allows printing of a DOC file, but the specs require only PDF files. Is there a way to call Scansoft and give it a predetermined file name and location and not have it display the "save to file" dialog box? In other words to execute it silently.

Answer by Leonard Moore

Yes. You can call the application into an C++ program, but to do this you will need the SDK (Software Development Kit) from the developer. This package contains program's library that you need to include into your application. However, the SDK is not free, and the only way to obtain it is by contacting the developer. Use the official website to do this.

Answer by Sean Hill

ScanSoft PDF Create was acquired by Nuance. However, that version of the product had problems related to compatibility regarding Windows 7. The new product from Nuance is fully compatible with Windows 7 and you can install it on your computer.

Question by Guest
March 12, 2014

I am interested in setting up a PDF file for forms needed in the funeral home business. Required forms are Georgia death certificate, contract form, first call form, to do form for family, obituary form, embalming form. I need info how to go about setting up such a file to keep from being downloaded with a lot of paper work.

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

The application allows you to create forms with field that can be filled, however, you might need to visit your local legal forms counselor because he is the one who can give you those forms. After that, you use the ScanSoft PDF Create to create those files.

As a suggestion, I would like to recommend using Acrobat XI Pro. The software offers the possibility to manage, handle, and create quality forms.

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